Friday, October 15, 2010

The Ultimate Defeat

He signed a pact with the devil,
And lost all but a pair of flip-flops.
There was little left of him.
This, the world perceived;
Because he had lost everything
To the bloody devil himself.
Little did they know;
His angels thus began
Singing his song aloud
As he sat in the corner and wept:
'Oh he is so 'cuz he gave us all;
What's left in him that's all good.
He gave and gave till none was left;
Until we obtained our halo and wings.
Oh,why? Oh, why can't you see?
We, the angels are
The outcome of this devilish pact.
Save him! Save him!
We shall sing,
Until the world finally learns
That out of his ultimate defeat,
His final victory, was heaven itself, no less.'
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